Tips for Repairing Over-Processed Hair

How to undo the damage.

As an Aveda Exclusive Salon in Letterkenny we use Aveda products which are naturally derived, vegan and cruelty - free and therefore avoid over- processing your hair.

For anyone reading this  who doesn't really understand what your Colourist is talking about when you're told that your hair is over processed, Over-processed hair refers to hair that has been subjected to excessive chemical treatments, such as bleaching, perming, relaxing, or repeated coloring. These processes can strip the hair of its natural moisture, proteins, and oils, resulting in weakened, brittle, and damaged hair. If you're dealing with over-processed hair, here are some tips to help restore and improve its condition

Trim regularly: Start by getting a trim to remove the most damaged and split ends. Regular trims every 6-8 weeks can help prevent further splitting and breakage.

  • Deep conditioning treatments: Use deep conditioning treatments or hair masks specifically designed for damaged or over-processed hair. Look for products that contain nourishing ingredients like keratin, argan oil, shea butter, or hydrolyzed proteins. Apply the treatment once or twice a week, leaving it on for the recommended time to deeply hydrate and repair your hair.Our aromas are not simplistic (say, a blend of two oils only). And this is due to the creativity of our pure-fumers and the quality of our plant based ingredients. “They smell pure and simple, but they're very complex—that's what makes them unique,” 

  • Minimize heat styling: Give your hair a break from heat styling tools like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons. Heat can further damage over-processed hair. If you must use heat, apply a heat protectant spray or serum before styling, and use the lowest heat setting possible.

  • Avoid chemical treatments: Give your hair a chance to recover by avoiding further chemical treatments like bleaching, perming, or relaxing. Let your hair regain its strength and moisture before considering any additional treatments.

  • Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner: Opt for gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners that provide hydration and nourishment. Look for products specifically formulated for damaged or over-processed hair. Avoid harsh ingredients that can strip your hair of moisture.

  • Minimize washing frequency: Washing your hair too often can strip away natural oils and further dry out over-processed hair. Try to wash your hair every other day or every few days, depending on your hair type and activity level.

  • Protect from environmental stressors: Protect your hair from environmental stressors like sun exposure, pollution, and harsh weather conditions. Wear a hat or use hair products with UV protection when you're going to be exposed to the sun.

  • Eat a balanced diet: A healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins can help support the overall health of your hair. Include foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to nourish your hair from within.

  • Be patient: Repairing over-processed hair takes time and consistency. It's important to be patient and give your hair the care it needs. Results may not be immediate, but with proper care and time, you should start to see improvements in the health and appearance of your hair.

If your hair is severely damaged or if you're not seeing improvement despite your efforts, why not consider calling in to see us at Pello Hairdressers Letterkenny. Our professional and highly qualified team can assess the condition of your hair and provide professional guidance on how to restore its health.

Is Aveda a good hair care brand?

Well, your search is over; the answer is yes! As part of their commitment to the natural world and the creatures who live in it, Aveda products are not only cruelty-free, but also sulfate-free and all-natural. You can even see PETA's cruelty-free logo on their hair products, so what's not to love?Our aromas are not simplistic (say, a blend of two oils only). And this is due to the creativity of our pure-fumers and the quality of our plant based ingredients. “They smell pure and simple, but they're very complex—that's what makes them unique,” 

Why not call in to Pello Hairdressers Letterkenny and have a chat with one of our Master Aveda Colourists. All our consultations are complimentary and we will also advise on the most suitable Aveda hair care products with our pure-scription hair care personal recommendations for your hair needs.

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Tina Mcbride